Emission Reduction

Reducing harmful GHG

emissions from shipping

It’s time to respond to ever-tightening regulations. The International Maritime Organisation’s reduction targets as well as longer-term global zero carbon shipping goals demand that shipowners promptly invest in green shipping technology. Norsepower can help with this.

Our product is available on the market today – and delivers proven results. Norsepower Rotor Sails™ contribute to the reduction of GHG and other emissions such as SOx, NOx, PM. The product reduces the need for main propulsion power that is typically derived from fossil fuels. The result consists of impressive financial returns from fuel savings as well as savings in emission-related costs, such as carbon taxes or expensive alternative fuels.

Improving the ship’s EEDI score (for newbuilds)

Norsepower Rotor Sails™ are improving the EEDI score of a ship by directly replacing part of the main engine power.

According to IMO MEPC.1/Circ. 896 the Norsepower Rotor Sails™ are a category B.2 innovative technology, that contributes to energy savings. Based on global wind statistics, the available effective power delivered by Norsepower Rotor Sails™ is deducted from the main engine power per specific DWT and Vref speed.

The improvement in the EEDI rating achieved can reach up to 40%.

Supporting the required EEXI compliance (for existing ships)

In view of the MEPC 75 approved amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, ships above 400 GRT will have to demonstrate by their first periodical survey after 1/1/2023 an ’Energy Efficiency design Index for Existing ships’ (EEXI). A vessel’s CO₂  emissions per ton-mile is required to be reduced at a range of 10 – 30% from 2008 EEDI baselines, depending on ship type and size.   


Currently over 70% of the global fleet is not certified for EEDI. Therefore, many ships will be forced to impose large main engine power limitations, steam at slower speeds. Additionally, they are forced to take any extra measures in order to achieve EEXI compliance. All this can hurt the commercial competitiveness of the ships. Norsepower Rotor Sails™ can relieve such power limitations and support technical compliance by reaching EEXI score for existing ships.

Operational carbon footprint reductions

Norsepower Rotor Sails™ can contribute to the reduction of the Operational CO₂  emissions per Ton-Mile. This is a major voyage-related carbon footprint figure determining the operational efficiency of a given ship, used in numerous regulatory and market-related ship efficiency criteria. These include:

  • IMO GHG CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator)
  • AER (Average Efficiency Ratio)
  • EEOI (Energy efficiency Operational Index)

Extensive measurement campaigns on reference vessels have proven the operational performance of Norsepower Rotor Sails™. For example, during the first year of operation the rotor sails on the Maersk Pelican reduced the fuel burn by 8.2%. This translates to 8.2% carbon footprint reduction, significantly improving the operational compliance.

Image: Norsepower installations' fuel savings from top left: M/W Copenhagen: 4 - 5%, M/W Estraden: 6.1%, SC Connector: 25% and Sea Zhoushan: 8%.

Norsepower Rotor Sails™ are compatible with all other fuel saving and emissions reduction technologies.

When combined with weather routing, voyage optimization or integrated power management, the rotor sails contribute significantly to any voyage (laden or ballast) related carbon footprint reduction. Such power savings on board will enable the ship to achieve great climate alignment compliance scores. This is specifically true for the Poseidon Principles ship finance portfolios and SeaCargo charter clauses, while simultaneously providing positive emission ratings to the IMO’s CII.

These savings improve the ship’s commercial competitiveness, trade utilization, and profitability on an annual basis, while also maintaining a fully regulatory compliant, attractive asset value.