Bringing sails back to shipping

385 000+ hours of operation

8 190+ tons of fuel saved

25 800+ tons of CO2 reduced

Our mission is to decarbonize the maritime industry by providing reliable and efficient wind propulsion solutions.
Heikki Pöntynen | CEO, Norsepower

Norsepower Rotor Sail™ is reliable and easy-to-operate. It has a proven, real life performance and savings record since 2014. Typical fuel consumption and emissions reduction is 5–20%.


Various third-party measurement campaigns have proven the savings potential of Norsepower Rotor Sails™ and verify the Norsepower Performance Simulator.


The Norsepower Rotor Sails™ are highly automized to reduce workload for the crew and to maximize efficiency.


Norsepower Rotor Sails™ provide excellent results in most vessel types: tankers, bulkers, cruise vessels, RoRos, RoPax vessels, general cargo vessels, and ferries.


The product has been tested in co-operation with leading classification societies.It is robust, durable, and safe to use.

Our Story

Norsepower was founded in late 2012. Our mission is to reduce the environmental impact of shipping by providing efficient, easy to use, and reliable auxiliary wind propulsion for large ships. Norsepower Rotor Sail™ uses a minimal amount of the ship’s electric power to rotate cylinders on the ship’s deck. The rotating cylinders use wind to create powerful thrust. This allows the main engine to be throttled back.

The concept of rotor sails was first introduced by Finnish inventor and architect Sigurd Savonius and German engineer Anton Flettner in the 1920s. Norsepower’s vision is to bring sails back to shipping – and help to reach its goal of zero carbon emissions.

Our Partners

Driving technology for leading brands