Through the Viking Line and Maersk projects, Norsepower is on a solid growth path and is aiming to reach 100 M€ yearly revenue by 2024. To support its growth plans, the company has started an equity financing round which also gives private investors the possibility to participate in the financing of the company. Any party...
April 2018
Viking Grace transforms into a sailing ship Today the M/S Viking Grace sets sail on her first voyage as the only passenger ship in the world equipped with a Rotor Sail to harness wind power for propulsion. Developed by Finnish clean technology and engineering company Norsepower Oy Ltd., the Rotor Sail Solution will cut fuel...
Viking Line aloittaa yhteistyön Itämeren tuulten kanssa, kun M/S Viking Grace alkaa ensimmäisenä matkustaja-aluksena maailmassa hyödyntää tuulen voimaa mekaanisen roottoripurjeen avulla. Suomalaisen Norsepowerin kehittämän purjeen avulla säästetään polttoainetta ja vähennetään päästöjä. Viking Line astuu purjelaivojen aikaan 12.4.2018, jolloin M/S Viking Grace purjehtii ensimmäiselle matkalleen Turusta Tukholmaan tuulten avustamana. M/S Viking Gracelle asennettavan 24 metriä korkean...
Wind assist technology primed to support Paris-aligned decarbonisation in shipping Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading provider of low maintenance, software operated, and data verified auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today said wind power was ready to be a part of meeting Paris-aligned greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set by the International Maritime...