
Scandlines prepares sister ferry M/V Berlin for installation of Norsepower Rotor Sail

Following the successful installation of the Norsepower Rotor Sail on the hybrid ferry M/V Copenhagen in 2020, and a year of demonstrated results, Scandlines has prepared the sister ferry M/V Berlin for its own Rotor Sail installation. The hybrid ferry, M/V Berlin, also operates on the Rostock-Gedser route but, unlike M/V Copenhagen, is flagged by...

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Setting sail onboard Sea Cargo’s SC Connector: Experiencing efficiency and sustainability in action

In September 2021, Norsepower CEO, Tuomas Riski travelled to the Port of Rotterdam to take a trip onboard Sea-Cargo AS’s SC Connector. Since the retrofit installation of our Rotor Sails, the SC Connector is now Norway’s largest sailing vessel. The sails are 35 metres tall and 5 metres wide cylinders. The vessel’s total air draft...

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Norsepower presents evidence of the Rotor Sail’s effectiveness at Royal Institution of Naval Architect conference during LISW 2021

Reducing emissions and offsetting the cost of higher priced alternative fuels dominated conversations throughout London International Shipping Week 2021. Jukka Kuuskoski, CSO of Norsepower Ltd contributed to these discussions at the Royal Institution of Naval Architects’ conference by presenting evidence of how Rotor Sails can form part of the solution. The global shipping community faces enormous...

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Norsepower webinar highlights that wind propulsion is no longer a “nice to have”

During Norsepower’s latest webinar, panellists explored potential market consolidation during the journey to net zero and the subsequent commercial and regulatory drivers impacting decision making for developing resilient fleets. With the prospect of regional regulation and rising commercially driven forces, shipping faces an unprecedented challenge to decarbonise that will require the sector to invest in...

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Norsepower joins call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonisation of international shipping by 2050

Norsepower has joined the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, to urge world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. The private sector is already taking important steps to decarbonise global value chains, making this a growing commercial. Now governments must deliver the policies that will supercharge the transition and make zero emission...

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Going beyond compliance: Harnessing the wind to meet IMO’s EEXI regulations and increasing demand for higher ESG standards

Shipping faces an unprecedented challenge to decarbonise that will require the sector to invest in new initiatives driven by new push and pull effects. Norsepower is hosting an informal panel discussion to help progress industry thinking around decarbonisation, particularly the use of wind propulsion and it’s quantifiable benefits to achieve these goals. The IMO’s incoming...

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Standardising green finance for newbuilds and retrofits to prevent ghost fleets

There is no doubt that across the industry a significant proportion of the existing global shipping fleet will need to modernise to meet decarbonisation targets. DNV GL estimates that up to 80% of the global trading fleet will have to make technical upgrades to meet the incoming minimum energy efficiency standards within the International Maritime...

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MEPC 76 outcomes leave room for improvement

Two weeks ago, the shipping industry was poised to respond to the outcomes of the 76th International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) meeting. For many, interest focused on the introduction of the short-term technical requirements to reduce carbon intensity, based on the new Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the operational...

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Norsepower highlights Rotor Sail results at The Motorship Propulsion & Future Fuels webinar

The Motorship recently hosted a virtual panel of top industry experts, discussing wind power and wind-assisted propulsion for the shipping sector. Norsepower COO, Jarkko Väinämö shared how the Rotor Sail Solution can help shipping meet its decarbonisation objectives both for newbuilds and retrofit solutions and provided insight into current projects. Gavin Allwright, Secretary General, International...

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Norsepower announces Newport Shipping partnership

Digital solution provides shipowners with access to instant quotes and availability information for Norsepower’s Rotor Sail installation. Norsepower has partnered with Newport Shipping to become the exclusive wind propulsion provider within its online portal that aims to ease the complexities of planning retrofit works. The platform provides access to a full set of bespoke technology...

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