As shipping progresses its journey to decarbonise ahead of the IMO’s ambitious 2030 and 2050 GHG emissions reduction targets, a perfect storm of additional regulatory and commercial drivers require the sector to invest in new initiatives, like the use of Rotor Sails, sooner rather than later. The regulatory push There is a danger in waiting...
Norsepower can confirm that the Maersk Pelican, the world’s first product tanker which was fitted with wind propulsion technology, is now under new ownership. Commenting on the sale, Tommy Thomassen, Chief Technical Officer at Maersk Tankers, said: “This vessel was special to us. While the vessel is sold with the technology installed onboard, we will...
Photo: Sea-Cargo Outlining the challenges and benefits of incorporating wind and other clean technologies into newbuild designs to power shipping’s decarbonisation drive Register here: Date: Wednesday 27th January 2021 Time: 9am GMT / 10am CET / 11am EET Speakers on behalf of Norsepower, DNV-GL and Deltamarin will be discussing how newbuild vessels can benefit from...
Photo credit: Sea-Cargo Two 35m tall Rotor Sails are estimated to reduce fuel consumption, fuel costs, and emissions by as much as 25% HELSINKI – 20 January 2021: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading global provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, has successfully installed two 35m tall Rotor Sails for SEA-CARGO, a leading logistics provider in the...
Norsepower has been named a 2021 Global Cleantech 100 Company by Cleantech Group for its ground-breaking Rotor Sail Solution. The prestigious list includes 100 leading companies poised to solve some of the biggest global challenges over the next five to ten years, including some of the most innovative projects globally driving greater digitalization, decarbonization and...
First bulk carrier installation will utilise five tiltable Rotor Sails to maximise reduction of carbon emissions HELSINKI – 15 December 2020: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading global provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today announced its first newbuild order – for the installation of a record five tilting Rotor Sails on board a large bulk carrier....
Two of Norsepower’s largest 35m tall Rotor Sails to be retrofitted onto Ro-Ro operating in the North Sea are predicted to reduce emissions by an estimated 25% HELSINKI – 29 June 2020: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading global provider of auxiliary wind propulsion systems, and SEA-CARGO, leading logistics provider in the North Sea market, today announced...
Webinar recording: watch Date: Wednesday 24th June 2020 Time: 8am ET / 1pm BST/ 2pm CET The installation of two Norsepower Rotor Sails on the Maersk Pelican was widely viewed as a significant step forward for the progress of wind propulsion technology in shipping. This webinar discusses how wind power can play a crucial role in meeting 2030...
Large 30m tall Rotor Sail, fitted in the port of Rostock overnight, will reduce emissions by an estimated 4-5% HELSINKI, COPENHAGEN – 26th May 11am 2020: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading global provider of auxiliary renewable wind propulsion systems, and Scandlines, a market leader in green ferry operation, today announced the successful installation of Norsepower’s Rotor...
HELSINKI, KÖÖPENHAMINA – 26.5.2020: Norsepower Oy Ltd, maailman johtava mekaanisten purjeiden toimittaja ja Scandlines, ympäristöystävällisten lauttapalveluiden markkinajohtaja, ilmoittivat tänään Norsepowerin toimittaman roottoripurjeen onnistuneesta asennuksesta. Yöllä tehtyyn asennukseen Scanlinesin hybridilautalle kului vain muutamia tunteja. Saksan Rostockin ja Tanskan Gedserin välillä liikennöivälle hybridilautta M/V Copenhagenille asennettiin 30 m korkea ja 5 m halkaisijaltaan oleva Norsepowerin roottoripurje. Viimeisten kuukausien aikana...