14. elokuuta, 2019 Scandlines asentaa Norsepowerin roottoripurjeen hybridilautalle Scandlines investoi tuulipropulsioon ja vähentää hiilidioksidipäästöjään M/V Copenhagen alukseen asennettavalla roottoripurjeella. Matkustajalauttavarustamo Scandlines kertoo allekirjoittaneensa toimitussopimuksen roottoripurjeen toimittamisesta puhtaan teknologian ja tuulipropulsion edelläkävijän Norsepower Oy Ltd:n kanssa. Norsepowerin roottoripurje asennetaan hybridimatkustajalautta M/V Copenhageniin. M/V Copenhagen operoi Saksan Rostockin ja Tanskan Gedserin satamien väliä ja se on osa...
Scandlines investerar i vindpropulsionsteknologi ombord på M/V Copenhagen för att ytterligare minska sina koldioxidutsläpp. Färjerederiet Scandlines har nöjet att informera att bolaget har tecknat ett avtal med Norsepower Oy Ltd, ett ledande Cleantechföretag som är banbrytande inom modern vindpropulsionsteknik. Enligt avtalet installeras Norsepowers rotorsregel ombord på M/V Copenhagen, en hybridpassagerarfärja. MV/Copenhagen, som trafikerar mellan Rostock...
Scandlines Drives Investment In Wind Propulsion Technology On Board The M/v Copenhagen Reducing Further Carbon Emissions. Ferry operator Scandlines is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Norsepower Oy Ltd, leading clean technology and engineering company pioneering modern wind propulsion technology, to install Norsepower’s Rotor Sail Solution on board the M/V Copenhagen,...
LR presented AiP to SHI in a ceremony at Nor-Shipping 2019, taking place this week in Oslo, Norway LR has presented SHI with approval in principle (AiP) for an LNG-fuelled Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) equipped with a 6,000 cubic metre LNG fuel storage tank, a two-stroke dual-fuel diesel engine and an LNG fuel supply...
Hyundai receives approval for VLCC ‘eco-tanker’ design with Rotor Sails Nor-Shipping, Oslo – Collaboration between Hyundai Heavy Industries and Norsepower receives LR AiP (Approval in Principle). The handover ceremony took place today at Nor-Shipping in Oslo. Origininal press release: https://www.lr.org/en/latest-news/hhi-approval-vlcc-eco-tanker/ LR presented AiP to HHI in a ceremony at Nor-Shipping 2019, taking place this week in...
Independent tests confirm Norsepower Rotor Sail savings on Viking Grace HELSINKI – 16 May 2019: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading provider of low maintenance, software operated, data verified auxiliary renewable wind energy propulsion systems, today announced that independent test results showed that Norsepower’s Rotor Sail technology has great potential to deliver savings on the Viking...
2019-04-30: Norsepower Receives International Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Certification by Lloyd’s Register Norsepower is pleased to announce that it has been successfully awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System certifications by leading marine classification society – Lloyd’s Register. The certifications covers all...
Norsepower joins Green Ship of the Future (GSF) to drive sustainable energy and environmental consumption through innovation Norsepower is proud to have joined Green Ship of the Future (GSF), which seeks to explore the road towards emission-free maritime transport by ensuring more environmental and financially sustainable consumption within the shipping industry. With membership across the...
HELSINKI – 5 March 2018: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading clean technology and engineering company pioneering modern auxiliary wind propulsion for the global maritime industry, today announced that its innovative Rotor Sail Solution has received the first-ever type approval design certificate granted to an auxiliary wind propulsion system onboard a commercial ship. The type approval...
Norsepower takes home international accolade at the 2018 Quality Innovation Awards Ceremony Following its success in the national awards in December 2018, Norsepower is proud to announce that it has also been crowned the winner of the 2018 International Quality Innovation Award, in recognition of its Rotor Sail Solution technology’s ability to demonstrate positive environmental...