
Norsepower on voittanut arvostetun WWF 2018 Climate Solver Award -palkinnon

Roottoripurjeita toimittava Norsepower on ainoa Pohjoismaisessa kilpailussa merenkulkualalta palkittu ehdokas HELSINKI – 16. toukokuuta 2018: Norsepower Oy Ltd, joka on maailman johtava aputuulipropulsiojärjestelmien toimittaja, ilmoitti tänään olevansa yksi viidestä 2018 WWF Climate Solver Nordic Award palkinnon saajasta. Norsepower sai tunnustusta innovatiivisesta roottoripurjeteknologiastaan, jonka avulla voidaan vähentää merkittävästi suurten alusten polttoaineenkulutusta sekä mm. hiilidioksidipäästöjä. WWF:n Climate Solver Award -kilpailuja...

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Viking Grace muuttuu purjealukseksi 12. huhtikuuta

Viking Line aloittaa yhteistyön Itämeren tuulten kanssa, kun M/S Viking Grace alkaa ensimmäisenä matkustaja-aluksena maailmassa hyödyntää tuulen voimaa mekaanisen roottoripurjeen avulla. Suomalaisen Norsepowerin kehittämän purjeen avulla säästetään polttoainetta ja vähennetään päästöjä. Viking Line astuu purjelaivojen aikaan 12.4.2018, jolloin M/S Viking Grace purjehtii ensimmäiselle matkalleen Turusta Tukholmaan tuulten avustamana. M/S Viking Gracelle asennettavan 24 metriä korkean...

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Wind assist technology primed to support Paris-aligned decarbonisation in shipping

Wind assist technology primed to support Paris-aligned decarbonisation in shipping Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading provider of low maintenance, software operated, and data verified auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today said wind power was ready to be a part of meeting Paris-aligned greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set by the International Maritime...

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Maersk tankers, Norsepower, ETI, and Shell collaborate to test wind propulsion technology

Maersk tankers, Norsepower, ETI, and Shell collaborate to test wind propulsion technology Norsepower’s fuel-efficient technology expected to save approximately 10% in fuel consumption and associated emissions on 109,647 DWT product tanker vessel Copenhagen, Helsinki, & London – 14 March 2017: Norsepower Oy Ltd. in partnership with Maersk Tankers, The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), and Shell Shipping...

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Norsepower CEO Tuomas Riski scoops 2017 Young Entrepreneur Award

Norsepower CEO Tuomas Riski scoops 2017 Young Entrepreneur Award Norsepower Oy Ltd, the leading provider of low-maintenance, software operated, and data verified auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today annouced that its CEO Tuomas Riski is this year’s recipient of the “Young Entreopreneur Award”. The accolade was presented to Tuomas yesterday by his Royal Highness Prince Haakon...

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Norsepower’s Tuomas Riski wins Nor-Shipping’s Young Entrepreneur Award

Norsepower’s Tuomas Riski wins Nor-Shipping’s Young Entrepreneur Award Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower, has today been announced as the winner of Nor-Shipping’s coveted Young Entrepreneur Award 2017. The 38 year-old Finn was chosen from a final shortlist that included Joel Spark, Co-Founder of Spire, Xeneta CEO Patrik Berglund, and Christine Spiten, Co-Founder of Blueye Robotics....

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Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution to be installed onboard Viking Line cruise ferry vessel

Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution to be installed onboard Viking Line cruise ferry vessel Deal heralds the world’s first LNG/wind electric propulsion hybrid ship Helsinki, Finland – 25 January 2017: Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading provider of lowmaintenance, software operated, and data verified auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today announced that it has signed an agreement with...

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Norsepower receives €2.6M funding to develop the world’s largest Rotor Sail

Larger Flettner rotor will equate to significant annual fuel savings Norsepower Oy Ltd., the leading provider of low maintenance, software operated, and data verified auxiliary wind propulsion systems, today announces that it has been selected to receive €2.6M in funding to further its research and development of the Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution technology. The new...

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